

An abortion that leads to a lack of fetus before a 20-week pregnancy is accidental or miscarriage. In the first trimester or three months of the pregnancy, this typically occurs.


Uterine weakness -miscarriages

In Ayurveda, miscarriage is correlated to “Garbh srava or Garbha pata” mainly vata dosha is imbalanced in the body as compared to the other two (pitta & kapha). This mainly happens due to your wrong lifestyle & eating habits.
Ayurveda provides the best treatment for miscarriage patients as it balances the dosha & manages the condition properly. It deals with the signs & symptoms related to miscarriage patients.

Ayurveda has several herbs like
These herbs can improve endometrium, egg quality and overall hormonal balance.
These herbs can help even if you have suffered more than one early pregnancy loss.

It must be kept in mind that Ayurvedic herbs are best suited for prolonged treatment. You must take these herbs for at least 90 days before planning a conception to prepare your body for the pregnancy.

Causes for miscarriage depends on egg and sperm quality,hormonal balance,proper structure formation etc..

In Ayurveda Recurrent Pregnancy Loss can be correlated with Garbhasravi vandhya mentioned in Hareetha samhitha and Puthraghni yonivyapth explained in Brhathtrayees based on the clinical features.

Ayurveda Therapies recommended
Ayurveda advises to do Sodhana therapy (purificatory procedures) ending with Uthara vasti in Recurrent miscarriage cases especially with unknown etiology.
Acarya Hareetha and Acarya Caraka explained Garbhasravi vandhya and Puthragni yonivapath respectively as loss of pregnancy occurring in first trimester.
Susruta says that in this condition, the foetuses after attaining stability are repeatedly destroyed due to bleeding which indicates second trimester abortions.

In addition to this Bahya, Snehana and Swedana which is Abhyanga,Pichu and any kind of fomentation like avagaha or parisecana dependiong upon the body type is to be given.

Internal medicines includes:
1.duralabhadi kashayam
2.venu granthyadi kashaya
5.Sukumaram kashaya

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- Alm Ayush

Symptoms Associated With Uterine Weakness

Strong Location
Bleeding cervical
Tissue or genital blood leakage
High abdominal pain
Low-to-high back pain

Causes Of Miscarriages In Women

  • While some factors raise the probability of error, it is usually not a consequence of what you have done or not. You can see some known causes of miscarriage if you are finding it hard to maintain the pregnancy.
  • Your body provides your developing fetus with hormones and nutrients during pregnancy. It allows you to grow the child. The pregnancy will not typically grow, leading to the most miscarriages in the first trimester.

Cause Uterine Weakness /Miscarriages

Genetic or chromosomal problems

Generations hold chromosomes. The mother and the parent add one chromosome collection to a growing fetus. These anomalies provide examples of such chromosomes: Fetal death intrauterine: the embryo forms but ceases to develop before symptoms of pregnancy loss are seen or felt. Embryo forms are not at least blighted ovum: Molar pregnancy: The male is the root of all chromosome sets; there is no fetal growth. Partial molar pregnancy: the mother has chromosomes, but the father has inserted two sets of chromosomes. Errors may also arise spontaneously if embryo cells divide, or if the egg or sperm cells are harmed. Placenta complications may often contribute to a mistake.

The conditions and habits of life

The growth of the embryo can also conflict with many underlying health problems and lifestyle patterns. Exercise and sex do not cause abuses. Exercise and sex. Work will not affect your fetus unless you are exposed to harmful substances or radiation.

Conditions that may affect the development of the fetus include

Bad food or malnutrition / Alcohol and drug use
Mother's Era Surpassed / Thyroid disorder unchecked
Hormone disorders / uncontrolled diabetes
Trauma / Faintness
Cervical disorders / Uterus developed abnormally
Severe hypertension

ALM's 100% Traditional Ayush Approach For Uterine Weakness/Miscarriages

ALM Ayush offers specially formulated traditional medicinal treatment and yoga therapy for Miscarriages. ALM’s therapeutic approach for curing weak uterus has successfully helped women devoid of hormonal problems and strengthen the uterus.
Traditional Ayush medicines and yoga poses can help combat infertility and improve mental health in numerous ways, apart from the physical aspects. The combination of ancient herbs from Ayurveda and Siddha, coupled with yoga poses (asanas) and meditation (pranayama), ensures promising positive changes in the overall health of females both mentally and physically.

Miscarriage (Garba srava / गर्भाशय स्राव)

Ayurveda treatment:-
Abyangam, Nasyam, Brmhana vasti

Ayurveda medicine:
1) Dhanwantara kasayam
2) Vidaryadhi kasayam
3) Satavari ghrta
4) Phala sarpis
5) Ashoka arista
6) Balaarista

Ayurveda herbs and supplements:-
Women’s care
Nutrient care

Why Choose ALM Ayush For Female Factor Fertility?

India’s first and paradigm hospital to introduce Functional Medicine (a conflation of modern medicine and traditional medicine) – The integration of AI-powered advanced healthcare technology and traditional medicinal values for effective results in a short span of course.

50 Years Of Healing Experience

Top 1% of the expert Reproductive Endocrinologist, Reproductive Specialist, Andrologists, Embryologists, Psychologists, and Ayush Doctors in the house to dispense constructive treatment regime.