

Obesity involves an unhealthy volume of body fat as a slowly progressive chronic disorder.


Obesity has been described as Sthoulya or Medoroga in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda heps in treating the Obesity by on good nutrition, management of stress and a balanced lifestyle.

According to Ayurveda, the treatment on Obesity based on a persons dosha,agni etc.
As per Ayurveda ,obesity is the result of what food we are taken,our lifestyle,environmental factirs and genectics too.
Obesity is a result of medas and mamsa dhatu accumulated in the body.

Samana, Shodhana and Nidana Parivarjanam treatment are the best choice for treating Obesity.
In Shodhana,
Start with Udwarthanam with Rooksha Choornams.This will exfoliate the skin ,burns out the fat ,and makes the skin healthy and glowing by decreasing the Kapha Dosha.

Then followed with
Baspa Swedanam
Podi kizhi
Dhanymala kizhi
According to the conditions of the Persons we can planned different treatments for treating the obesity.

Then ,after all these treatments Going to Pradhana karmas like

Vamanam(Medical Emesis)
Eliminates mucus from our Srotas(Channels).For this mainly Madanaphala kashayam,Liquorice with salt water will use for the emesis

This will bring down Pitta dosha.

Basthi will help Vata to slow down, This vasthi treatment will help to get rid of the toxins and calms the Vata dosha and so it will improve the digestive capacity.

Then will go for the herbal medications like
Varanadi kashayam
Varadi Kashayam
Guguluthikthakam kashayam
Navaka guggulu
Chandra prabha vati
Punarnavaadi Guggulu
Triphala Guggulu
Triphaladi Kashayam
Kanchanara Guggulu
Medohara Guggulu

In Nidana Parivarjana(Caustive factors) includes
Take high fatty and starchy food items
Untimely food eating habbits and overeating
Sleeping in Day time
Alcohol and smoking habbits
Sedentary habits
Genetics,hormonal imbalances,Medical reasons,Stress related problems

Take low fat and low calorie food items
Take frequent small meals
Use warm water for drinking
Consume barley water, horsegram,Triphala,Oatmeal,Ashgourd juice
Morining drink one glass of warm water with lemon juice and Honey
Steamed or boiled vegetables rather than fried vegetables.
Regular exercises, Yoga,swimming, walking

Avoid high calorie vegetables like potato,rice etc
Avoid more sugary,fried,oily,junk,sweet,and diary products
Avoid day sleep

"Amazing Tricks to Keep Yourself Healthy."
- Alm Ayush

How Is Obesity Determined?

The diagnosis of obesity arises at 30 or higher BMI rates. Divide in pounds by height, squared, and subtract by 703 to calculate the body mass index, Or dividing one’s weight into kilograms in meters squared by the height of an affected person. Though the general format to measure the BMI of a person’s body is found to be promising, yet this would mislead athletes. For instance, a heavyweight bodybuilder might have a BMI of 30, but it doesnt mean He/She is Obese. To arouse such a mishap amongst people, we at ALM have a unique technologically advanced machine learning integrated tool that measures Body Fat Index and the Body Mass Index, which gives a precise output of body fat percentage.

Causes of Obesity

While hereditary, behavioral, metabolic, and hormonal effects are present on the body weight, obesity happens as more calories are consumed than burned from exercising and regular everyday function.

Immediate Health Effects

Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease

Long-term health effects

Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be overweight as adults11-14. They are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.

ALM Inbody file

BCA Scan Importance in Weight Management :

+ Body Composition Analyzer is the best Medical Equipment to assess Weight loss
+ This equipment is most widely used & popular in Western countries to assess Weight management
+ Their is no rebound phenomenon
+ Their is no failures in weight loss or weight gain
+ Weight is the single most important indicator to show your health status in BCA Scan
+ Many ignore our excess Weight
+ Overtime over weight turns into mild / moderate / severe obesity
+ Body is alerting & compensating in initial years. But we cross a particular stage diseased sets in us
+ Most worrying facts are few diseases like cancers/ Heart attack / stroke are fatal & life threatening. Few diseases like infertility / diabetes / hypertension / Gastrointestinal , Orthopedic & Joint disorders can really remove your mental peace and happiness in your life

Think wisely & act swiftly…

BCA Scan Importance in Weight Management :

+ Body Composition Analyzer is the best Medical Equipment to assess Weight loss
+ This equipment is most widely used & popular in Western countries to assess Weight management
+ Their is no rebound phenomenon
+ Their is no failures in weight loss or weight gain
+ Weight is the single most important indicator to show your health status in BCA Scan
+ Many ignore our excess Weight
+ Overtime over weight turns into mild / moderate / severe obesity
+ Body is alerting & compensating in initial years. But we cross a particular stage diseased sets in us
+ Most worrying facts are few diseases like cancers/ Heart attack / stroke are fatal & life threatening. Few diseases like infertility / diabetes / hypertension / Gastrointestinal , Orthopedic & Joint disorders can really remove your mental peace and happiness in your life

Think wisely & act swiftly…

Complications Associated With Obesity

Heart and strokes illness

Abnormal blood pressure and cholesterol rates, which are contributing factors to heart and stroke diseases, are even more probable.

Diabetes Type 2

The way your body controls blood sugar levels may be affected by obesity. Being overweight increases your risk of diabetes and resistance.

Digestive Disorders

Obesity may increase one's (mostly women) uterine, cervical, endometrial, ovarian, breast, colon, rectal, sceptic, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, and prostate cancer risk.

Prone to Cancerous Cells

Obesity raises the risk of heartburn, inflammation of the gallbladder, and complications with the liver.

ALM's 100% Traditional Ayush Approach For Obesity

ALM Ayush offers specially formulated traditional medicinal treatment, yoga therapy, weight loss focused massage therapy, and steam yoga supported with herbal composited supplements that focus on reducing excess fat around the waist. ALM’s integrative approach for weight loss or obese has successfully helped both males and females lose up to 3 lbs of weights in a dedicated 3-week program supplementing with a proper diet schedule. Traditional Ayush medicines and yoga poses can help lose weight and eventually bring the BMI under control. The combination of ancient drugs from Ayurveda and Siddha, coupled with yoga poses (asanas) and meditation (pranayama), ensures promising positive changes in the overall health of people of overweight both mentally and physically


Obesity ( over-weight )

A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems.

 Alm Ayush obesity treatment protocols :
# Yoga therapy
# Diet therapy
# Acupuncture
# Herbal remedies

Yoga therapy in obesity :
Yoga therapy can burn more amount of fat and leads to wait reduction.

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Diet therapy in Obesity :
Customized diet therapy help to remove the unwanted fat and rebuild your body.

Acupuncture in Obesity :
Acupuncture therapy stimulate and repair digestive system and help to reduce weight.

Herbal remedies and medications in obesity :
Improve the metabolism and eliminate access fat from body.

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