Infertility -Women

What is Infertility ?

          Not getting pregnant, despite having carefully timed, unprotected sex for one year.
The cause of infertility may be difficult to determine but may include inadequate levels of certain hormones in both men and women, and trouble with ovulation in women.
The main symptom is an inability to get pregnant. In many cases, there are no additional symptoms.
Many treatments significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant. They include hormone treatments, fertility drugs and surgery. In addition, assisted reproduction uses various medical techniques to fertilise an egg.

Female Infertility

Failure to achieve conception by a couple, having normal coitus, during appropriate period of menstrual cycle, regularly, at least for one year where the women is <35 years and 6 months in women >35 years is termed as Infertility. This health problem is present since ancient period and is increasing with the changing lifestyle. Stress and working pattern with multiple other factors affects the health and lead to abnormalities in the factors which are essential for the conception.

Types of infertility

  • Primary infertility: It denotes those patients who have never conceived.
  • Secondary infertility: It indicates previous pregnancy but failure to conceive subsequently within one or more years of unprotected regular intercourse.

Importance of a women lies in her procreative capability. The reason for being worshipped and considered next to God. When this procreative capacity is delayed or hampered it is termed as vandhyatwa in Ayurveda. Vandhyatwa as such is not a disease per se, but a manifestation or revelation of an underlying disease or disorder. Moreover the definition of vandhyatwa is not restricted to inability to conceive but not begetting a live progeny.

According to Ayurveda four factors are responsible for conception; Ritu (Appropriate time for conception), Ambu (Nutritional diet which is essential for conception), Kshetra (healthy uterus & Vagina),Beeja (Healthy sperm and Ovum).

The normal functioning of all above mentioned factors is vital for fertilization, implantation, growth, nourishment and delivery of a live foetus.


  • Body mass index (BMI)
  • Basal hormone evaluation
  • Ultrasonography
  • Hormone assay
  • Endometrial biopsy/curettage
  • Tubal patency test

Natural boosters of fertility are multigrain diet, protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, water, exercise. Ayurveda addresses each body type and boosts the body systems involved in fertilisation, making it a great choice for fertilisation. Ayurveda builds Ojas, improves health, stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, and indirectly causes the ovaries to mature and release eggs by addressing internal balances and external stimuli. Ayurveda offers a non-invasive, low-cost, and non-iatrogenic alternative therapy for female infertility.

 Importance of Panchakarma: 1) The couple who wants best progeny should undergo the process of panchakarma, after panchakarma male should take ksheera ghrita and female should take tila taila and Urada. 2) Virechana for ovulation: Patient with PCOS, generally we use virechana for snehana we use many Ghrita like Brahmi ghrita, Phalaghrita, Shatavarighrita, etc. 3) Nasya karma as prescribed in Punsanvanvidhi helps in conception and stability of pregnancy. Nasya with Anutaila may help to regulate H-P-O axis. 4) Aasthapanabasti and AnuvasanaBasti followed by Uttar Basti useful to correct ovulatory factor, tubal factor, uterine factor and cervical factor. Uttar basti with brahmighrita, phalaghrita shatavarighrita helps in Kshetra Nirmana, Uttar basti with kshara ghrita, panchagavyaghrita, and dhanvantari taila helps to patent the tubes. 5) Shirodhara used to regulate H-P-O axis. Shirodhara with taila, dashmulakwatha, milk, takra as per prakriti and dosh dushti in patient.

Women’s Fertility health is an Integral part of Women’s Health.
The process of infertility starts in both men & women not from adolescent or young age
It starts from childhood since the child starts eating junk and excess foods leading to being overweight.
As a female partner what do you expect ?
1)A baby for the sake of family members and society ? Or
2)A baby for the sake of your happiness ?

If the option is 2, do you ever realize or recognise, pregnancy out of assisted fertility treatments
Should only be considered ONLY if natural conception failed?
Because, a defective sperm or egg ends in low success rates, failures or defective child

Always when you seek assisted fertility treatments like IUI / IVF /ICSI, a thorough understanding of the treatment process / risks / side effects / long term sequelae is very essential for both partners.
Many women who undergoes IVF /ICSI may get initial pregnancies, but as per Global statistics
During the 9 month pregnancy period, many go through miscarriages, defective babies with pregnancy termination, IUD (IntraUterine Death), early labor etc. This is truly because of lack of proper couple counseling and preparation prior to assisted reproduction treatments

At GSSSS we ensure, client gets a thorough understanding of underlying defects and proper guidance enabling them to conceive naturally. If at all, client has failed natural pregnancy, the proper preparation ensures higher success rates when the couple is subjected for assisted fertility treatments

Let’s make our Fertility journey memorable
Let’s deliver a Healthy & Intellectual Offspring
Let’s build a Healthy Society