The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull. They are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes.
Healthy sinuses contain no bacteria or other germs. Most of the time, mucus is able to drain out and air is able to flow through the sinuses. When the sinus openings become blocked or too much mucus builds up, bacteria and other germs can grow more easily.
Causes may include nasal blockage (poly, turbinate hypertrophy, and deviated nasal septum), chronic infection, cilia dysfunction, weakened immune system, smoking, allergy etc.
Ayurveda has success full rate of treating sinuses. Due to vitiation of vata, kapha and diminition of pitta causes excess flow of discharge from nose and other factors also.
Medications which are vata and kaphahara should be given and agni should be retrived by giving deepana pachana medicines in the form internal medications.
External therapy which helps to treat sinus
Kshara karma (according to the factors)

Sinusitis (siro roga/ शिरो रोग)

Ayurveda treatment:-
Abyangam, lepanam, nadi swedanam, nasyam (avapeeda) , Dhumapanam

Ayurveda medicine:-
1) Pathyasadanga kasayam
2) Dasamoola katutraya kasayam
3) Haridra kandam
4) Asana vilwadi tailam
5) Trikatu churnam
6) Rasnadhi churna
7) sukku tailam
8) Anu tailam

Ayurveda herbs and supplements:-