Nadi swedan- Swedanam (Steam) is a therapy which decreases pain, stiffness, heaviness, coldness & that which brings out
sweating from the system is sudation therapy. Conventionally the sudation therapy (steam) is just understood as the steam bath, but sudation in Ayurveda is something more as a treatment & as a daily routine. Nadiswedan is a type of steam in which steam comes from tube. It is a form of bashpa sweda in which heat is felt in form of vapours. It is atype of Agni sweda. That means fire is used to form steam. Steam is given to affected body part after applying oil. It is called as sthanik swedan as steam is given in particular areas of pain and stiffness. Its contrary to is sarvanga sweda in which generalised body steam is given. Nadi sweda is Ekanga sweda in which steam is provided to small affected region. Drugs used for fomentation is like plant based leaves root flower bark etc, kanji, milk, various type of salts, sesame etc. Required herbs are mixed together and heated in a big vessel. Vessel is attached to rubber tube. After boiling vapour pass through tube. Nadiswedan is used in vataj dosha diseases like palsy, hemiplegia, paraplegia, etc. Useful in Muscular pain, joint pain, lower back pain, sciatica, nerve compressions, frozen shoulder, stiffness etc.