Treatment for Respiratory Disorders
The function of the lung is to support healthy breathing. Lungs are one amongst a very few vital organs which works 24/7 and its contribution is crucial.
Would you find it comfortable to have you in a confined room with no space or ventilation to support your function? You’ll become anything but frustrated. Assume, what if your lungs are confined and have a restricted breathing environment? lung disorders or respiratory disorders are caused due to inflammation in the airways. And the causes of inflammation or the narrowing of the airways are plenty;
- Infection
- Smoking of Tobacco or
- Vape
- Exposure to chemical
- smoke
- Air pollution
- Inhalation of Abestos (Infected Microbial Particles)
- Obesity
"Amazing Tricks to Keep Yourself Healthy."
- Alm Ayush
Symptoms of Lung Disorders
Narrowed Airways
Airways filled with mucus
Nasal Blockage
Shallow Breathing
Reduced level of Oxygen Saturation
Lung Conditions Treated At ALM Ayush
Asthma / COPD
Chronic and Acute / Bronchitis Emphysema
Cystic Fibrosis / Pneumonia / Tuberculosis
ALM's 100% Traditional Ayush Approach For Lung Disorders?
ALM Ayuhs is simply the ideal healing centre to get liberated from any type of lung and bronchial infections. The Ayush Doctors utilizes different techniques comprising of both internal and external treatment protocols, for bringing cure to bronchial ailments.
The experienced team of Ayush doctors at ALM has formulated a remedy that eradicates respiratory problems from the root cause, which
Improves breathing
Treats bronchitis and asthma
Strengthens lung functioning
Corrects imbalance of Vata and Kapha
Improves the quality of Pitta to restore order in respiration
Why Choose ALM Ayush For Respiratory Disorders?
India’s first and paradigm hospital to introduce Functional Medicine (a conflation of modern medicine and traditional medicine) – The integration of AI-powered advanced healthcare technology and traditional medicinal values for effective results in a short span of course.
50 Years Of Healing Experience
Top 1% of the expert Reproductive Endocrinologist, Reproductive Specialist, Andrologists, Embryologists, Psychologists, and Ayush Doctors in the house to dispense constructive treatment regime.