
Metabolic Disorders

A metabolic disorder is an array of diseases that happen concurrently..


Severe metabolic disorders in the body are prone to increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
The more worrisome part of metabolic syndrome or metabolic disorder is that when one of the conditions is materialized in the human body, the metabolism follows with other conditions of metabolic syndrome in concurrence.
The higher number of metabolic disorders confronted by a patient is at a greater risk of cardiac diseases, stroke, and diabetes.Metabolic syndrome is increasingly common, and more than one-third of Asian adults are living with the support of continual or lifelong administration of medicine.


"Amazing Tricks to Keep Yourself Healthy."
- Alm Ayush

What is Metabolic Disorder?

Metabolism is the most and prominent chemical functions occurring each and every fractions of ones’ life scale in our body and it is the foremost function amongst the other life-sustaining function. Metabolism helps in the proper functioning of vital body organs like liver, pancreas, kidney, gal, lungs, heart, brain and every single organs in our body. We need vital nutrients for the metabolism and the chemical reactions to occur, when there is a lack of enzyme or protein, it leads to the digressed metabolic activity. This inefficiency puts an halt or pause to the functioning of body organs and the toxin flush in body doesn’t happen, which is the obvious causation of metabolic disorder led diseases

Metabolic disorders treated at ALM Ayush

Gout / Dys-lipidaemias / Diabetes Mellitus
Metabolic syndrome / Idiopathic Neuropathy / Peripheral Neuropathy
Autonomic Neuropathy / liver cirrhosis
Liver cancer / heart disease
Obesity / Insulin intolerance
Hypertriglyceridemia / Impaired glucose tolerance

ALM's 100% Traditional Ayush Approach For Metabolic Syndrome

The integrated Ayush approach to cure meatbolic syndrome has proven to be far more functional and conclusive compared to allopathy habit forming drugs. The change in life style, traditional Ayurveda medicine, Unani herbs, Siddha Legiyams (alchemy) and Traditional yoga poses as described in the manuscripts of Patanjali yoga sutra will directly boost metabolism. ALM Ayush has treated 5253 metabolic disorders from its inception and 83% of the patients have seen to show no signs of diabetes and stroke.


India’s first and paradigm hospital to introduce Functional Medicine (a conflation of modern medicine and traditional medicine) – The integration of AI-powered advanced healthcare technology and traditional medicinal values for effective results in a short span of course.

50 Years Of Healing Experience

Top 1% of the expert Reproductive Endocrinologist, Reproductive Specialist, Andrologists, Embryologists, Psychologists, and Ayush Doctors in the house to dispense constructive treatment regime.

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